Time to say goodbye

More than 5 years I’ve spent supporting new ventures to start and grow. It has been wonderful journey though world of startups on board with great people. 5 years of excitement, new opportunities, new people and personal growth. 5 years building strong startup community and work that has impact.
Despite of that I decided to leave JIC to follow my dreams.
This is my goodbye.

More than 5 years – that’s 10 000 hours of work connected very closely to startups. Thanks to JIC I had the opportunity to meet almost everyone in Czech Republic and many people abroad. People who are somehow connected to this vibrant world of technology, innovation, ideas and investment. I am grateful for such a great and long-lasting opportunity.
To leave JIC, innovation center that became leader in Central Europe, was probably the most difficult decision in my life so far. However one must get out of his comfort zone and start something new, something fresh and original.

It was a pleasure to work with so many great people side by side at JIC. I will miss you.
Forever JIC!

JIC 2013

JIC 2013

    Few highlights from work of my team at JIC:

  • Founded JIC | StarCube – first startup Accelerator in CZ (PL, SK, AT), 6th round in 2014
  • 4 international awards for StarCube or Startup Program
  • 12 800+ people – trained and educated in entrepreneurship
  • almost 200 jobs created
  • 4,5 MM USD of venture capital raised from StarCube teams in last 2 years.
  • 1000+ business plans evaluated – 250+ each year
  • Created complex system of support for new ventures (from awareness and idea validation to company growth)
  • Built team of highly talented professionals (Vojta, Zuzka, Hanka, Lucka and Iva) who can follow up where I left. I am very proud of each and every one of them. I believe this team is able to take the business further.
Startup Program Team 2014

Startup Program Team 2014

Martin Hrabi

StarCube is my baby and I am proud of it :-)

What’s next?

I don’t leave because of a better job. I have none in my sleeves. I feel I need a sabbatical.
I will take summer off to be able to start building something big in autumn. Meanwhile, I will be looking for a new and interesting career opportunities. If you feel I might be helpful to your ventures, just let me know. I will be very happy to discuss your ideas concerning joined business.




  1. Hey Michal

    Best of luck for the future. I hope we get to catch up again somewhere, sometime.

    Best regards

  2. So what are your dreams? Pls share …

    • New Zealand is definitely among my dream destinations. I love the country.
      Regarding my ultimate personal dream: I would like to have freedom in making the environment/region where I live a better place.
      Regarding commercial dreams: in long run, I want to be involved in management of a technology company. One day I want to do IPO with “my” (Tony Stark-like :-) company.
      Before that many things can happen.

  3. havran@videoflot.com' havran ;-) Reply to havran

    Good luck … and may the force be with you ;-)

  4. Hello Michael, I thought maybe we could exchange contacts? Jan

  5. Nádherné, současně odvážné a moudré rozhodnutí, blahopřeju, Michale. Dát si čas, být pozorný a počkat si na novou příležitost, kvalitativně vyšší. Co takhle nahlédnout do sociálních inovací? Třeba prostřednictvím webu Ashoky nebo soutěže Social Marie? Jen pro inspiraci… Pokud neznáš, tak taky doporučuji pro chvíle pohody pustit si film Nádherná zelená.

  6. tomas.marcanik@gmail.com' Tomáš Marcaník Reply to Tomáš

    Good Luck! I hope your dreams come true!

  7. jbanerjee@fronesys.com' Jyoti Banerjee Reply to Jyoti

    All the best, Michal. I hope you can fit in some photography in your newly-found spare time…

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